There Will Be Movies – Episode 50: Parasite

Ben Phillips & Matt Waters continue to present 25 of their favourite movies from a given decade, this time with 2010 – 2019.

Another year and another volume of There Will Be Movies in the books, and we’re closing with our only Oscar-winner to date: Parasite. Come for the class discourse, stay for Matt’s bleak announcement about future plans.

Continue reading There Will Be Movies – Episode 50: Parasite

Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies – The Podcast: Part I (100 – 51)

Jerome Cusson put together a list of 100 favorite movies. This podcast is a discussion of numbers 100-51.

Ben Phillips hosts and takes listeners through the list while Jerome explains why the movies are where they are. They naively thought they’d be able to get the full list in one podcast, but alas, there will be a part two next week.

Continue reading Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies – The Podcast: Part I (100 – 51)

Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: Parasite

(Check out the list so far)

The Movie: Parasite (2019)

One Sentence Plot Summary: A lower class family infiltrates a rich family, but little do they know there’s a surprise waiting in the basement that isn’t a monster but rather an allegory for class warfare.  

Continue reading Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: Parasite