More (And Less!) Than Meets The Eye – Episode 9: Transformers: The Last Knight

It took 9 weeks, but Ben & Matt finally disagree about the quality of a movie. For Matt, The Last Knight is one of the worst things he has ever seen in his entire life and potentially permanently altered his brain chemistry. Ben contends that while it’s bad, it’s not only not the worst Transformers movie, but not even the second worst!

They discuss Cogman, ‘Hot Rod’ (it ain’t right what they done to our boy), sozzled Merlin, poor Gemma Chan, awkwardly smushing two ideas together (again!) and generally become delirious.

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets The Eye – Episode 9: Transformers: The Last Knight

More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 5: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

In which we discuss Shockwave’s cool pet drill, the height of 3D filmmaking, the courting of major name supporting actors, gay panic with Dr Ken, juggling villains, and the ups and downs of The Battle of Chicago

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 5: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 3: Revenge of the Fallen

In which we discuss embarrassing reviews from our younger selves, the 2008 writers strike’s impact on one of the worst major movies ever released, Michael Bay Unchained, giant robot balls and of course a Magic Sock Full of Matrix Dust.

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 3: Revenge of the Fallen

More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 1: Transformers (2007)

In which we discuss the seeming improbability of Michael Bay agreeing to helm this franchise, everything revolving around a horny teenager, characters arriving in pairs, deploying Megatron so late and Matt’s potentially controversial take on the best handling of a Transformer in a Michael Bay movie.

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 1: Transformers (2007)

The Superhero Pantheon: ‘Endgame’ (and Jupiter’s Legacy)

Jerome and Brian have been doing some version of this show for three years, and it’s time to rest for a bit. This is the season finale as Jerome and Brian reflect on their time and also preview what is to come in the world of superheroes.

They also discuss Jupiter’s Legacy (In Jerome’s case, just the first episode). Enjoy our last show until September. Have a great summer!

Continue reading The Superhero Pantheon: ‘Endgame’ (and Jupiter’s Legacy)