There Will Be Movies – Episode 50: Parasite

Ben Phillips & Matt Waters continue to present 25 of their favourite movies from a given decade, this time with 2010 – 2019.

Another year and another volume of There Will Be Movies in the books, and we’re closing with our only Oscar-winner to date: Parasite. Come for the class discourse, stay for Matt’s bleak announcement about future plans.

Continue reading There Will Be Movies – Episode 50: Parasite

Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: Parasite

(Check out the list so far)

The Movie: Parasite (2019)

One Sentence Plot Summary: A lower class family infiltrates a rich family, but little do they know there’s a surprise waiting in the basement that isn’t a monster but rather an allegory for class warfare.  

Continue reading Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: Parasite