Pantheon Plus – Harrison Ford Month: The Mosquito Coast

Jerome and Brian continue their look at Harrison Ford and discuss a movie Harrison Ford probably should have won an Oscar, the 1986 movie version of The Mosquito Coast, not to be confused with the Apple series. They also discuss the greatness of River Phoenix and the advantages of bringing ice to the jungle.

Continue reading Pantheon Plus – Harrison Ford Month: The Mosquito Coast

Pantheon Plus – Harrison Ford Month: Witness

Jerome and Brian begin their month long look at Harrison Ford with the only film he was nominated for an Oscar, Witness.

Find out what makes this an almost underrated movie and why we probably should talk more about Peter Weir. They describe the greatness of both the world building first act and climaxing in the third act.

Continue reading Pantheon Plus – Harrison Ford Month: Witness

There Will Be Movies – Episode 72: The Truman Show

Ben Phillips & Matt Waters present 25 of their favourite movies from the 1990s.

Somehow a movie that completely evaded major Oscar nominations, the brilliant Truman Show of course leads to a discussion of the academic merits of books vs films.

Continue reading There Will Be Movies – Episode 72: The Truman Show

Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: The Truman Show

(Check out the list so far)

The Movie: The Truman Show (1998)

One Sentence Plot Summary: A man goes through life and thinks he’s being watched and for once, it’s not a conspiracy.

Continue reading Jerome’s 100 Favorite Movies Ever: The Truman Show