More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 7: Transformers: Age of Extinction

Time to dust off one of our favourite debates on this podcast network: Is it worse to be Boring or Bad?

Michael Bay submits his evidence to the latest hearing, Age of Extinction, which literally has another movie tacked onto the back of it. Hard to believe a movie could be Bad OR Boring when it features Dinobots, Bounty Hunters and Stanley Tucci, but here we are!

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 7: Transformers: Age of Extinction

More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 5: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

In which we discuss Shockwave’s cool pet drill, the height of 3D filmmaking, the courting of major name supporting actors, gay panic with Dr Ken, juggling villains, and the ups and downs of The Battle of Chicago

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 5: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 3: Revenge of the Fallen

In which we discuss embarrassing reviews from our younger selves, the 2008 writers strike’s impact on one of the worst major movies ever released, Michael Bay Unchained, giant robot balls and of course a Magic Sock Full of Matrix Dust.

Continue reading More (And Less!) Than Meets the Eye – Episode 3: Revenge of the Fallen